The committee for the registered charity 1099314. The Swansea Children's Therapy Centre Support Group has defined the aims and objectives of the group, in order to clarify the way in which funds may be disbursed.
1. Equipment
Items that are considered important in the treatment, and unavailable through statutory funding, of children who are under the care of staff at the centre will be purchased, only upon agreement by the committee. Funding must be applied for by the therapist and/or technical assistant in charge of the case or cases. In the case of equipment required for general use in the Centre, therapy staff will make the request. In all cases, an estimate of the actual cost is essential. Some request for partial help with personal equipment will be considered on merit and under the recommendation of the therapist.
2. Quality of Life
It is a declared aim that the group will take appropriate action to enhance quality of life for the children and, to this end, the committee will approve, in certain circumstances, what may be considered 'fun' equipment, although these will, where possible, be owned by the Centre and not view as gifts that may create precedent. The committee will also organise the Christmas Party and outings to the Pantomine and such indoor and outdoor activities as are deemed appropriate at the time, provided that due note has been taken regarding Health and Safety requirements.
3. External Services
As a response to needs expressed by parents and carers, the committee will investigate such areas as counselling and other support activities. These will all be considered on both potential benefits and the cost of such services.
4. Parents and Carers
The committee will, at times agreed to be appropriate, sponsor meetings, coffee mornings, lunches or other events where parents and carers will be able to discuss with others in a similar position, as well as committee and staff, mutual problems and interests. It is acknowledged that families an carers generally gain benefit from sharing problems and experiences and this will be supported. In addition, the committee will be able to update constantly the needs of children and families at such events.
5. What cannot be supported
In general, charities cannot donate to other charities and this must not be allowed to happen. The Group supports this Centre only and is not a 'Public Funding' for other organisations or similar centres in other areas. Also, the committee will not support any requests for staff salaries or training requirements that are the responsibility of the Health Authorities. Such reports will not be considered by the committee.
Hafan Y Môr
Singleton Hospital
If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact Kate Greenfield or Ceri Selman on
01792 200 400 (3)
Phone lines are open 9 - 5, Monday to Friday. If there is no answer, please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as we can.